In the past year, the events that have unfolded in the world have given us time to reflect on the reality that is: our time on earth is short, therefore, we must do our best to make it worthwhile. It became abundantly clear to us that it was time for a revolution of sorts – one that can create great positive change for the earth – an evolution.
The concept of sustainability isn’t all that new to Bayo. We are proud participants of the United Nations Global Compact, and through our #JourneyToZero campaign, we are slowly shifting to a circular business model. However, these past months have compelled us to go even further in this mission. After looking far and wide for the correct environmentally-conscious, socially-just, and culturally-appropriate answers, we found that the key was actually looking to the past.
In our campaign, Filipino Fashion (R)Evolution, we looked to the generations of the past to see what we can do for the generations to come in the future. The foundations of this were the usage of local and natural fibers and the empowerment of local communities who perform traditional crafts. By practicing this, we cleverly use the past to find solutions for the future.

The first step in Filipino Fashion (R)Evolution was to look for the right materials. We were extremely lucky to form a partnership with HABI, the Philippine Textile Council, as we shared the same reverence for propelling locally-grown textiles. Through this connection, our eyes were opened to homegrown materials such as Philippine Cotton. It would be surprising to know that Philippine cotton is among the best kinds of cotton in the world. It is also an environmentally-friendly material and locally sourced.
In the past years, due to the availability of cheaper and easier-to-weave synthetic materials, the local cotton industry has been on a steady decline. This also goes for our other homegrown fibers such as piña, silk, and abaca. However, through our campaign, we seek to be a little light of hope for these local materials.

The next step of the Filipino Fashion (R)Evolution campaign was learning about the process of weaving. We were fortunate enough to have met artisans who have preserved this age-old art. It is a tradition that takes patience, precision, and skill to master, and the result – exquisite handmade weaves. We particularly find joy in learning the stories behind the weaves, as our partner communities love to tell us the inspiration behind their designs – from nature to personal anecdotes. Similar to the use of natural Philippine materials, traditional weaving is an excellent environmentally-friendly choice. The process allows us to incorporate fabric scraps so that nothing is left to waste, and unlike other production alternatives, it has no energy consumption.

Throughout the journey leading up to our campaign, we formed close bonds with our partners in HABI, cotton farming communities, and weaving communities. We unexpectedly discovered a new guiding principle among the rest: purposeful connections. This pertains to partnerships that aren’t grounded on business alone, rather, a shared mission. Indeed, it is true that in order to bring forth any worthwhile change to the world, you must do it hand-in-hand with others.
Through purposeful connections, Filipino Fashion (R)Evolution hopes to bring forth positive change, one garment at a time. It seeks to set an example that it is indeed possible to create clothing that supports local communities, is conscious of its impact to the environment, and most importantly, honors one’s own heritage. By staying true to our roots and identities as Filipinos, we can slowly transform communities for a better future.
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